motz |
tienen un plaza más motzes, 03.02.2009 23:44h
El padre del detective Pepe Carvalho ya tiene plaza en Barcelona ... | elpais los putas are gone, yet montalbán got his placa. btw. no 'no smoking' alarm en barna, just in case someone has believed media. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment castellanos motzes, 08.03.2008 23:44h
sie können es nicht lassen. jedesmal vor der wahl ein anschlag. aznar (pp) hat so gewonnen. 1996. er entging 1995 einem anschlag der eta. marzo 2004. anschlag madrid. aznar versuchte die eta dafür verantwortlich zu machen. er verlor. 2008. eta. Los partidos llaman a votar para responder al asesinato de ETA mañana. ... Link (4 comments) ... Comment listen to the locals motzes, 22.01.2007 01:03h
... the government would only grant a licence to a pub on a corner (it was in Australia I first heard an inferior drinking hole called a “pub without a corner”) so they could ensure every street corner was lit without having to pay for lighting. | newriting ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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