motz |
diumenge, 20. d’octubre 2002
dtack motzes, 20.10.2002 23:43h
"DTACK GROUNDED - The Journal of Simple 68000 Systems" was the brandname chosen by Digital Acoustics, Inc. for their "line of 68000-related software and hardware. Digital Acoustics has been in business since 1973 and shipped its first microprocessor based product early in 1974." 1981: if you are interested in paying $10,000 for an admittedly high performance, complex system based on the 68000, this would be a very good time to stop reading this newsletter. There will be absolutely nothing here to interest you. If you already own, or are thinking of buying, an Apple II or a Pet/CBM system, and you would like to inexpensively increase its computational throughput by a factor of 10 to 20, read on ... (dtack newsletter) 1986: " Yep, that's right, folks: the 68000 is no longer the hottest production micro ... tempus doth fugit" 1988 post mortem letter on dbasic. and hal w. hardenbergh is on his way to silicon valley. and? no sé. ... Comment |
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