motz |
dissabte, 14. de gener 2006
technomorphisation motzes, 14.01.2006 23:29h
metadesign, humberto maturana Technological transformations do not impress me, biological technology does not impress me, Internet does not impress me. I say this not out of arrogance. No doubt much of what we do will change if we adopt the different technological options at hand, but our actions will not change unless our emotioning changes ... What our brain does is to abstract configurations of relations of activities in itself, which if coupled with our operation in language permit us to treat any situation that we live as a starting point for recursive reflections in a process in fact open to any degree of complication. ... Link (4 comments) ... Comment "biology of intentionality" motzes, 14.01.2006 13:35h
essay or found at: randall whitaker's bibliographic list on the topic. basic mode of identity... but ¿what is basic? ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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