motz |
divendres, 16. de desembre 2005
lovely statisticly motzes, 16.12.2005 15:59h
was hat körpergröße mit schulbildung, familienstand und berufsleben zu tun? yessas. 1999, der durchschnitt der personen über 30 en austria mit pflichtschule, aber ohne lehre war 165,8cm groß; an der uni hingegen trafen sich die 172cmtler. ledige setzten die latte auf 171,5cm und geschiedene brachten es auf 168,5. also wirklich. einzig verwertbar daran ist die aussage: 20jährige 171,5 und "85 und mehr" 162,9 punto und danke östat. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment when motzes, 16.12.2005 09:30h
looking at fundings and how an idea takes off i am wondering about one sentence, charles herzfeld said once: You know, I used to say that ARPA was the only place in town where somebody could come into my office with a good idea and leave with a million dollars at the end of the day. And this is sort of still true; it takes a week or two now. (interview with norberg, 1991) that was in the 60s, in the 90s people also had ideas and walked out of offices with a lot of money in their pocket, but it didn't help. so what marks the difference here? is it because the money came from government? was invested in visions and not in goals? - as alan kay suggests. or do you simply need 40 more years to see and interpret the results? did people forget in the 90s that it is all about communication - as licklider back then defined computing in his intergalactic vision. bane of economy? competitive pressure? reading latour's aramis brings some light into this. nice book! ... Link (5 comments) ... Comment |
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