dijous, 21. de juliol 2005

las chácharas

these days are not dust and smoke anymore, forgotten after tres copas. some things stick as steve newcomb thought a while ago. but the best part a program can't do: to develop an idea further or discard it.

anyhow, nice - some would say "container" - over there

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soy turista

El turismo pulveriza récords con 24 millones de visitantes hasta junio. Catalunya se consolida como primer destino turístico tras crecer un 13,2% (la vanguardia)

if it would be the first time here, i wonder if i would have liked it. funny thing to say, but probably the answer would be sí.still i would wonder about some grouchy camareros, ridiculos prices, rednecks and flamingos. pero las cosas libres, son las cosas libres. i wouldn't know yet, que es no más que fachada y que es realidad. and i wouldn't know, that everything was half prize some years ago and that vecinos still have a good chance to pay this price or to get invited.

still those picknicks on the roof top will be for ever something special barcelonese (thanks tomasu) - as long, well as long they don't forbid this too. but than: new people will come along who don't know anything about how it was/has been/could be ...

... el mediterráneo contemplado desde Toulouse o el mediterráneo contemplado desde Tunez, ... mvm

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