motz |
reyner banham motzes, 10.01.2006 18:15h
Megastructure : urban futures of the recent past / [by] Reyner Banham. -- London : Thames and Hudson, 1976 The Aspen papers : twenty years of design theory from the International Design Conference in Aspen / edited and with commentary by Reyner Banham. -- New York : Praeger, [1974] The new brutalism: ethic or aesthetic?. -- London : Architectural Press, 1966 Theory and Design in the first machine age. -- London : Architectural Press, 1960 Reyner Banham, father figure to the British group Archigram, envisioned an "unhouse" in 1965, a plastic bubble dome inflated by air-conditioning output. Archigram abandoned its imagery of "control" (expressed in mechanistic megastructures) for that of "choice" and seized on the inflated auto-enviornment ... (pneumotopian visions, metropolis, 1998) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment tell me why motzes, 09.11.2005 18:48h
i always thought people are willing to work on standardization, because it gives them a chance to meet at fancy places. what does it bring to standardize wiki? and whom? just some simple w questions ... ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment standardization motzes, 02.11.2005 02:10h
one of these stories: modula ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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