motz |
lol motzes, 20.01.2006 11:55h
the one and only tag that makes sense right now: guten tag! ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment tag this motzes, 15.01.2006 20:30h
if i look at the tags of technorati that land in my referrers, i can't resist to say they are plain stupid. if you love censurship, vale, go on, that would make at least some sense; if you dream of new findings you will be disenchanted pretty soon. they simply don't make sense. even gatekeepers did better than that. oh my ontology chaps, didn't you learn from orkut yet? oh ja, as some say, there will be new job offerings 2006: await the call for professional tagger. for my side i am still waiting to see an official job announcement for knowledge worker, as they were proposed some 10 years ago. haven't got one b.card in my hand with that job label on it yet. i think chris is right. as long as you keep it away from text, it's at least fun. something maybe dublin core people had, because they had the muse to travel to fancy places; for five years, for 15 words.
... Link (3 comments) ... Comment who rules the place motzes, 10.01.2006 22:46h
jerry [elkind], when that's all you do it's a kind of downer. You need to be going 'rah,rah' sometimes, too, not just being a devils' advocate.(280, dealers of lightning) taylor versus elkind, as latter tries to take back his old job at parc. well, something never really easy going, i guess. at the end of the book hiltzik writes more about the other face of parc, about the ego wars and other gibber jabber not as known to me: the story of richard shoup and his superpaint, who fell out of favor with bob taylor, because of different future/computing/worldviews. taylor's shit list was a cold, forbidden place (239) uff, it takes me longer to read this book then i thought ... ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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