
it's a dialog not a message

the genome project has brought the world something but for sure no answer. let beside errors in the database and therefore false data and conclusions, one of its outcome is the following:

Psychiatry used to be all theories, urges, and ids. Now it’s all genes, receptors, and neurotransmitters.

to be more precise about the consequences of that:

The brain is the most complex object known. We can barely grasp the simplest mental functions in biological terms, and yet we blithely use drugs to treat mental disorders. |charles barber, The Brain: A Mindless Obsession?

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more of denialism

co2. or take the silent correction of the nasa timeline on the climate change peak.

not to forget, the praised benediction - diction as a tribute to eastereggs - of quantum cryptography. quantum hype vs reality also at schneier today.

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to watch

ted: technology, entertainment, design.

just loading time is annoying. thus much to videos on site and a lame telco.

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