motz |
recalling lyna chekulayeva, motzes, 17.09.2008 10:19h
a biological research unit in the scientific town puschina, south of moscow, and a halophilic bacteria. ... it was in 1971 that a new retinal protein complex was discovered. it is very similar to the visual rhodopsin of the eye and therefore was called bacteriorhodopsin. back then it was lyna, the microbiologist, who could provide her colleagues with the needed mud color culture of halophilic microorganisms, that she took care of day and night in her laboratory. she gave it a name; and rarely so she didn't choose her own, but called it after her lab in puschina ... these days in nature|methods, although they say ... This article was submitted to Nature Methods by a commercial organization and has not been peer reviewed. Nature Methods takes no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of the information provided. | nm ... they promote thelaunch of IntegriSense™ fluorescence molecular imaging agent. for rabits, mice and disease detection ... FMT(TM) 2500, a quantitative fluorescence molecular tomographic system useful for rapid, noninvasive measurement of disease biology in living animals. This imaging technology, paired with one of VisEn's protease-activatable agents, ProSense(R) 680, has enabled the quantification of disease-related protease activity in the mouse ovalbumin-induced model of asthma. | visEn eduardo anywhere? ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment define your g-style motzes, 22.07.2008 17:03h
2001 epiphanies, christophe bruno who also brought you 2002 adwords poetry, 2008 he works on dadameter measuring the distance to dada. 2002 there was also goopoetry as well as googlism, - sort of fits to the list. 2004 spam is poetry, email poetry google suggest poetry 2005 came leevi letho and 2006: google poetry robot by geoff peters 55 ways to have fun with google by philipp leussen and today ... ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment employees 2007 motzes, 22.07.2008 11:47h
... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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