motz |
it's not the bible motzes, 10.10.2008 23:32h
it's the ikea catalogue that gets published the most, some say. yet, it's interesting to look at all the different search and seek models developed for that more or less closed text corpi/corpus¿? bible, i have to admit. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment nobel motzes, 10.10.2008 00:46h
it shines purble not green. oh my, my favorit halobacterium salinarium didn't get the nobel prize. would have loved to listen to robert birge, oesterhelt, stoeckenius and lyna chekulayeva (if they are all still alive) talking about bacterio-rhodopsin. but no ;( i still remember moskwa, tasting rhodopsin, listening to the professors of the academy of science, telling me, they will try to sell it as hand cream. perestroika aftereffect. i have to dig in my archive ... edit: us patent 6461594
... Link (2 comments) ... Comment 3 europe 0 motzes, 30.09.2008 01:03h
broadband as universal service. i2010 Thus, as we move towards the internet of the future, today’s digital divide may become tomorrow’s ‘info-exclusion’ ... Mit dem Voranschreiten zum Internet der Zukunft könnte die heutige digitale Kluft somit morgen zum „Informationsausschluss“ werden, ... ähm.
... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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