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smart grid + pay your share motzes, 10.07.2012 19:07h
interesting discussion about how to bring more parts of growing industry to pay their share for universal services. Will the FCC Impose Fees on Smart Grid Connections? ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment how to blot innovation motzes, 10.07.2012 16:43h
another twist to the carrier stories and how they follow their own track to gain control again. to the right (seen from europe) boingboing points to a similar story done by the record industry. copyright and innovation: the untold story anyhow, a lot has been said over the last years about copyright. not always to the amusement of industry: there is the us: gao report 2010, and well, the oecd paper: magnitute of counterfeiting and piracy of tangible products, 2009 about numbers and no there are no real numbers for intellectual property piracy. while to the left, geoff huston adds yet another piece to the plot: one might call it "how slow telcos tick" – or play their business as usual. What is this "new sustainable economic model for the Internet"? What sustainable model is so unsustainable that it is only achievable through a path of regulatory intervention and the imposition of ongoing regulatory measures within the supply chains of carriage and content services for the Internet? | carriage vs. content ... and one wants to add: they got it all nearly for free. at least users got into the net without regulations, but a code of conduct by the internetworking community. however you had to ignore the official ones. at that time the end of monopolies was near, and the ppts earned a s* load of money, as one had to pay for their access per minute bundles with the usual local telephone rate. flat-fee was not invented in the early days of the '90s ... actually the argument from the content industry, "Access is essentially reselling our content, but not paying for it. This is theft! You owe us money!"is as stupid as telling the paper industry that they need to pay for content, as their plane paper doesn't have enough value without it add transport industry, stores, sales people, ... all involved in the supply chain. this is also true vice versa. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment telcos versus costs for society motzes, 08.07.2012 12:00h
carrier and wireless p3k set the pointer to an article that carriers are the biggest thread to innovation: today phone companies cling to carrier's coat-tails, "developing what they ask for instead of taking risks and testing new concepts in the marketplace" (McRae, Vizio, link above). anyhow, some companies as google are already investing in new satellite projects: o3b estimated start: 2013. another project in the pipeline is msci's commstellation, a canadian endeavor, scheduled for 2015. carriers and fibre to the home (ftth) another never ending carrier story is "fibre to the home". in the uk farmer's lady chris conder and her team of b4rn are celebrated heroes by uk ispa's recent event. they entered the provider business and dig up the last mile by themselves. they are farmers, so they know how to dig, (guess, that was a quote. yet as i don't have the source by hand, i don't label it as such for the time being.) telcos themselves have done a lot of studies in the 1970s already. they even organized a whole track dedicated to optical communication systems back in 1975 at their "world telecommunication forum". charles k. kao gave a speech at this event. in 2009 he received the noble prize in physics, but even that didn't itch national operating telcos aka ptts up to today. ..The substance of the paper was presented at an IEE meeting on January 27, 1966. Most of the world did not take notice – except for the British Post Office (BPO) and the U.K. Ministry of Defence, who immediately launched major research programs. By the end of 1966, three groups in the U.K. were studying the various issues involved: I myself at STL; Roberts at BPO; Gambling at Southampton in collaboration with Williams at the Ministry of Defence Laboratory. astonishingly c. kao predicted 1975 the deployment of fibre the other way around: first – he thought – short-haul will be provided, long-haul will follow. well in hindsight we know it happened the other way around. we have long-haul and despite testcases as @21 districts in cities, which were funded by the eu+nation state, not many last miles are lit. however, on the 6th of october 1975, the fibre optic world looked promising: ... despite the greater economic benefits of very high capacity systems, it is probably that lower capacity systems, say 2.048, 8.448 or 34.304 Mb/s, may be introduced into heavily loaded parts of junction networks before long-haul high capacity systems. short-haul video links are a likely candidate for early introduction also. economics of fibre-optics as seen in 1975 - the normal trend for decreasing cost per circuit with increasing capacity becomes even more marked with fibre optics, because cable costs do not increase greatly and repeater spacing reduced only slightly with increasing capacity. in need for new equations
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