motz |
q&a motzes, 24.08.2012 00:51h
question: chris:"if you find one that answers q1, please be sure to let me know ;-)" five years later: the answer ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment OpenData - a challenge motzes, 15.04.2011 09:24h
to whom it may concern, and who takes contextuality into account, hopefully. The competition is open for 60 days - from 5th April until 5th June midnight. The winners will be selected by an all star cast of open data gurus - and announced in mid June at the European Digital Assembly in Brussels. | opendatachallenge jaja, there is some money involved, too. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment knowledge machine motzes, 03.03.2009 22:00h
old movies from emanuel goldberg who developed filmcameras for the public early 1920s and thought about electronic retrieval methods before vannevar bush wrote "as we may think". michael buckland who did a lot of research on goldberg and published a nice book about him will be there, too: der kinamo monday 9.03, 19:00 arsenal, potsdamer str. 2. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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