
visual communications

interesting conference in buda. visual learning: development - discovery- design dec 1-2, at the budapest university of technology and economics.

from mobile communication to parfume commercials, from dyslexia to folk visual metaphors.

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french method: "portrait parle" by alphonse bertillon, photos and body measurements, since ~1888, photographie judiciaire. already there: iris scan, the ear ... yet, germans don't need to show their ear any longer for their pass ...

the english way: fingerprints brought to you by henry faulds, william james herschel, and sir francis galton [charles darwin's cousin], encyclopedia says, but also bertillon was doing it and it has been in use early on in china some pioneers.

1903, the case of will west

two different persons having the same bertillon measurements which strengthened the case in favor of the science of fingerprints | biometrics person authentication

1984: dna profiling

... first DNA "fingerprinting" technique, discovered by Dr. Alec Jeffries of the Lister Institute of Leicester University, England.| interactive investigators

who do we think we are, guardian

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a legitimation mit meiner photographie

Identity crime is not the “crime of the millennium”, something that is out of control or about to become out of control. Much contemporary identity crime is a creature of the media, rather than the internet. It does not require radical new legislation or special agencies. Perceptions of incidence, severity and demographics are influenced by how journalists report particular offences, how offences are conceptualised by law enforcement personnel and whether some information is identified by data custodians. | bruce arnold

more materials about identity crime

also: Valentin Groebner Der Schein der Person Steckbrief, Ausweis und Kontrolle im Mittelalter

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