motz |
meshes motzes, 19.11.2007 13:00h
there is a video on entailment meshes from gordon pask.
one line i will remember from paul pangaro goes somehow like: what we have now on the web is maybe communication but not at all conversation. but that is what gordon pask was heading at, already 1956, with his musicolour, inspired by Lerner's well conceived system Colour Music (presented at the Soviet Exhibition in London, 1961), to the fascinating work of Nicolas Schoffer.
... Link (0 comments) ... Comment next days motzes, 14.11.2007 20:35h
... Link (4 comments) ... Comment gordon pask archive motzes, 18.05.2007 14:38h
the british collection has been transfered to vienna and will be inaugurated in novembre, which makes a visit of the institute of contemp. history even more interesting. as if they need any more sweetener: they already house the von foerster archive and a talk with the people there is always fun and rewarding. therefore a little bit of promotion: the müllers - not brothers - have yet published another book: an unfinished revolution? hvf and the bcl it will be presented 11th June 2007, 19:00 at the Dept of Contemporary History / Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte, Altes AKH Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Wien. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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