motz |
create a world from nothing motzes, 10.08.2019 07:15h
"The Unmarked State Laws of Form 50th anniversary conference is a celebratory cross-disciplinary gathering which will be of interest to mathematicians, philosophers, sociologists, cyberneticists, designers, and all those interested in how to create a world from nothing." | sounds like a place to remember. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment machine à gouverner motzes, 11.04.2015 19:36h
the dominance of the machine presupposes a society in the last stages of increasing entropy, where probability is negligible and where the statistical differences among individuals are nil. | wiener, the human use of human beings, 1950 ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment talking without listening motzes, 11.04.2015 13:15h
... only leads to frustration. early telephone concepts played with the idea of dead microphone transmission system. didn't work out. human versus machine behavior/prosthetic device
It is very easy to construct such dead-microphone transmission systems, and they have actually been considered by the telephone companies, only to be rejected because of the frightful sense of frustration they cause, especially the frustration of not knowing how much of one's own voice gets onto the line. people using a system of this sort are always forced to yell at the top of their voices, to be sure that they have missed no opportunity to get the message accepted by the line | norbert wiener, the human use of human beings, 1950 ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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