
how to blot innovation

another twist to the carrier stories and how they follow their own track to gain control again.

to the right (seen from europe) boingboing points to a similar story done by the record industry.

copyright and innovation: the untold story

anyhow, a lot has been said over the last years about copyright. not always to the amusement of industry: there is the us: gao report 2010, and well, the oecd paper: magnitute of counterfeiting and piracy of tangible products, 2009 about numbers and no there are no real numbers for intellectual property piracy.

while to the left, geoff huston adds yet another piece to the plot: one might call it "how slow telcos tick" – or play their business as usual.

What is this "new sustainable economic model for the Internet"? What sustainable model is so unsustainable that it is only achievable through a path of regulatory intervention and the imposition of ongoing regulatory measures within the supply chains of carriage and content services for the Internet? | carriage vs. content

... and one wants to add: they got it all nearly for free. at least users got into the net without regulations, but a code of conduct by the internetworking community. however you had to ignore the official ones. at that time the end of monopolies was near, and the ppts earned a s* load of money, as one had to pay for their access per minute bundles with the usual local telephone rate. flat-fee was not invented in the early days of the '90s ...

actually the argument from the content industry,

"Access is essentially reselling our content, but not paying for it. This is theft! You owe us money!"
is as stupid as telling the paper industry that they need to pay for content, as their plane paper doesn't have enough value without it add transport industry, stores, sales people, ... all involved in the supply chain. this is also true vice versa.

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the (non-)logic behind criminalization and use of numbers of a musing-industry: rob reid

the story of problematic use and subjective interpretation of data was told already and officially: gao counterfeit report, 2010

the latter holds also a critical remark about the oecd report in its introduction.

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old arguments for and against IPR

e8g. | at patrik's

economy driven by scarcity or attention. so many has been said about this since the roll out of telegraphy, and yet the arguments stay the same. or even worse, became blank metaphors.

recalling a line from the book "america calling" about the time when not products but costumers were seen as scarcity: the latter wouldn't pay attention to a telegraphy line to the usa, as they didn't have anyone there to call.

lets talk about the effect of policy and regulations that have come into place since 1994, or so.

still worth to read: economics of criminal enforcement of copyright | robert picard, tobias dahlström, edward humphreys, 2007

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