dilluns, 18. d’octubre 2004

post-war britain: computing

the national physical labratory , npl and their early papers on networking 1.33 D.W.Davies. Nov 1968. Communication Requirements of a Mintech Computer Network. 1.34 D.W.Davies. Feb 10, 1969. Observations on the Computer System for Mintech Establishments. 1.35 D.L.A.Barber. Mar 1969. Possible Computer Systems, extract from Mintech network proposals).

i have no idea when this symposium took place, but i wish i would have been there.

mintech was the name for the british ministry of technology, established by harold wilson in the 60s:

Mintech's policy was, from the outset almost obsessed with automation - seen as synonymous with computing development. Wilson's famous Scarborough speech was notable for its vivid imagery of a changing workplace and society, dominated by automated processes. "The essence of modern automation is that it replaces the hitherto unique human functions of memory and of judgement. And now the computers have reached the point where they command facilities of memory and judgement far beyond the capacity of any human being or group of human beings who have ever lived". ("technology gaps and national champions: the computer industry and government policy in post-war britain by richard coopey)

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