motz |
dimecres, 28. de juliol 2004
also finally motzes, 28.07.2004 11:59h
as p3k already mentioned Reteid Resflet*04 Open Sources 1.4. arrived. ... Comment
kris, 28/7/04 13:51
my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this red background is evil. ... Link
dito, 28/7/04 14:21
The act or the process of putrefying onscreen content
I am sorry for your eyes Kris, but I am convinced that we need evil visual stimulation sometimes. Here some thoughts behind the red and nevrotic green descision: The offensive visual smell of putrefying with red should show that there is a complex phenomenon involved in a multiplicity of chemical reactions. Putrefaction is a form of fermentation, and is sometimes called putrefaction fermentative. Putrefaction is not possible under conditions that preclude the development of living organisms. Many of the products of putrefaction are powerful poisons, and are called cadaveric poisons. Sorry to have caused you visual disease! ... link
kris, 28/7/04 17:15
i'm still having green after images after my last visit
but i managed to figure out who you are. backwards reading is not on my expertise. erm, hi, then! here is a link that may possibly be of some interest: ... link ... Comment
motzes, 28/7/04 16:47
ähh. muss ich jetzt was sagen? me parece no. all words used in the statements above. ... Link ... Comment |
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