motz |
dimarts, 20. de juliol 2004
don't ask motzes, 20.07.2004 14:21h
biologists, neurologists, ... about morality. when it comes to guilt, they don't have an answer. but maybe can tell you more ... i was already on my way home; together with some exhausted philosophers eméritos in the metro. there is one spanish neurologist i actually want to meet: he has opened up a restaurant and cooks there at night. during the day he counts neurons, i estimate. ... Comment
da5id, 22/7/04 12:15
Guilt: making justice to moral phenomena
During the talk Mariann and I were, Premack said something interesting about science methodology: that you have to make justice to the phenomenon you are interestes in. Premack was talking about emotions and how neurologist do not really make justice to the complexity of the phenomenon. I am not saying that guilt can not be explained biologically. But I believe that it cannot be devaluated into a simple Darwinian explanation about selfish genes and the release of hormones. ... Link
motzes, 22/7/04 13:03
i am self conscious, is there a chance, that they didn't know what to say, getting this question in opusdayis land? ... link ... Comment |
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