motz |
diumenge, 9. de maig 2004
'funding a revolution motzes, 09.05.2004 16:34h
government support for computing research, lessons from history.' online book Licklider's and IPTO's [Information Processing Techniques Office] success derived in large part from their skills at "selling the vision" in addition to "buying the research" (chapter 4) only two levels of approval was required: the director of IPTO and the director of ARPA. "the joy of ARPA . . . . You know, if a program manager has a good idea, he has got two people to convince that that is a good idea before the guy goes to work. He has got the director of his office and the director of ARPA, and that is it. It is such a short chain of command" (Robert Taylor, 1989). the funding went to group-oriented projects and institutions rather than individuals. geography didn't play a role: MIT, Carnegie Mellon University or Stanford University. ... no single approach to investing in research is by itself a sufficient means of stimulating innovation; ... us national bureau of standards (NBS) was also in the business of builidng machines. When the Univac order was plagued by technical delays, NBS built its own computer in-house. The Standards Eastern Automatic Computer (SEAC) was built for the Air Force and dedicated in 1950, the first operational, electronic, stored-program computer in this country. NBS built a similar machine, the Standards Western Automatic Computer (SWAC) for the Navy on the West Coast (Huskey, 1980). Numerous problems were run on SEAC, and the computer also served as a central facility for diffusing expertise in programming to other government agencies. arpa rosy cosy at the beginning but 1972 the name was officially changed to darpa presaging changes in IPTO and its personnel as well. George Heilmeier, director of DARPA from 1975 to 1977, came, unlike his predecessors, from an industrial background. Heilmeier brought an emphasis on applications to DARPA and a more formalized management style to the agency. As one program manager recalled, "During the 1970s . . . there was tremendous pressure to produce stuff that looked like it had a short applications horizon." licklider came back as program director in 1974-1975 and found it a changed place (Norberg and O'Neill, 1996, pp. 37-38). After that, the agency had difficulty finding a successor to serve as director of ipto well, they found robert kahn. he took over 1979 ... once a consultant, as one wrote, for a company who got the contract to produce hardware for arpanet: bolt, beranek, and newman. ... Comment
StefanL, 9/5/04 20:50
danke, für diesen wunderbare Geschichte
und den wunderbaren Link. Bob Kahn hat übrigens zumindest laut Metcalfe neben Vint Cerf schon die größten Verdienste bei der Entwicklung der IP-Protokolle. PS: gut zurück und schon wieder so aktiv? ... Link
motzes, 9/5/04 22:26
well i am curious
and sometimes find material i am really able to put in the right perspective maybe but will get a chance to verify tomorrow. i will met bob kahn and vint cerf. when bob kahn took over ipto, (arpa was darpa than) he was eager forcing function to artificial intelligence (AI) "to produce something that would be useful" (kahn 89). and being darpa, military was meant. on one side he supported VLSI, (there comes linn conway into the game) on the other side he brought the "Strategic Computing Initiative" (some call it program) on his way. remember reagen? sdi is conncted with that. some other things he believed in was: autonomous land vehicle, pilot's associate, and battle management systems. cpsr has an interview on that with kahn. kahn played his role in the conflict usa vs japan in regards to the semiconductor story, according to the book, i linked above. ... link ... Comment |
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