motz |
dimarts, 4. de maig 2004
ease motzes, 04.05.2004 09:15h
the more i look at it, the better i like it. using the blogroll space for an outbound links summary. also to make a difference within the story and on the main page is a good idea. for me that IS a very nice story promote function. gives a short to the point overview what's on the writers mind. ok, depending how much links are set, but still ... it helps. ... Comment
tobi, 4/5/04 17:27
actually, the difference between story and main page was achieved for me the most intriguing point is that i think about link texts even harder. because they have to make sense on their own, out of context, too. might be that i ask too much of myself, though... ... Link
motzes, 5/5/04 9:40
cross references?
interesting to have the link in two directions: to the story and outbound. wondering if they did this with hytime (got included in topic maps). i understand you try to do this by using the right palabra that allows to draw the connection by one glimpse. to make it even more useable can be maybe achieved by shorten the outbound list? a non tech solution would be reducing the amount of stories on the main page?? (write less?? :))) ... link
tobi, 5/5/04 10:42
you're right
actually one might be curious about the story containing the link, too. i think it should be possible to, er, calculate this. but then, the challenge will be interface design. and yes, the length is an issue, too. go on, please! ... link
motzes, 5/5/04 12:48
maybe: make a jump to the left or the right=move your mouse to the left or ... rocky horror picture show greets, but actually the thought is influenced by keyboard designers. they call it tilt text system and want to use it for mobile devices. also have a look at tilt wheel do get the idea. i always think about pinball machines, when i hear tilt. anyhow, maybe this idea will lead to an answer - one day. going back and forth: maybe one help also would be letting the list appear in chronological order instead of an alphabetical one??? timestamp? ... link ... Comment |
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