dimecres, 24. de març 2004

la pregunta es

Wer so eine Software freiwillig nutzt und dafür auch noch zahlt, ist, mit Verlaub, vollkommen vetrottelt. Wo bleibt denn jetzt eigentlich der große EFF Cowboy Cory Doctorow ? Der müßte aufheulen wie ein Wolf. (blendobox, 23.03.04)

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htmldoc oder blogbinders?
Oder doch TypeKey?

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the forth

htmldoc and blogbinders are tools for translating from one format to the other. i don't know whom needs it fullfills, pero vale. typekey heads for centralized authentication, yeah, i see the problem with that and don't buy the saying: but you know, we are the good guys. it's better we do it than someone else. it will be done anyhow. corycowboy? so far none of these american self announced "shooting stars", really impressed me. saw them, listen to them, talked and got to the point they are not able to look behind the rim of their plate. for my taste to much cooking in their own soup is going on over there. didn't find brainfood, (should i say brianfood ;). instead a lot of blabla, in a way: if we repeat it long enough ... you can imagine the rest. so it happened several time last year that i left a talk with this sort of guys with the feeling: what a waste of time. claro, you can ask why? but if this happens several times i came to the point, no it's not just because i didnt raise the right questions or wasn't willing to listen.

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