motz |
diumenge, 14. de març 2004
eleccions motzes, 14.03.2004 19:01h
web oficial first 'cifras' around 20.00, right after the closing of the polling stations. so far the participation has been higher than last time. i don't consider 63% as high, but if you compare it with 2000 (55%) more went a las urnas. first projection tele5 pp wins the eleccion, but no absoluto (40,6%) ~ -4 psoe no ganas, but gets more votes (38,3%) ~ +4 hm, everything seems to be open elpais:" Sondeos: TVE da la victoria al PSOE, Tele5 al PP" in case of tve, they estimate that pp lost much more and went down to 36%, psoe up to 41% ... actually the coverage of tve (state tv) is hectic like hell. they are always cutting interviews and switch over to the next one. imposible to watch. ... Comment
micro_robert, 9/3/08 20:17
Auch Telecinco sagt jetzt, dass die PSOE gewonnen hat (laut ... Link ... Comment |
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