motz |
dimarts, 18. de novembre 2003
trivial machine motzes, 18.11.2003 16:48h
as long as efficiency is the driving force i don't think there will be anything build but trivial machines. efficiency, as i understand it, is too much influenced by taylorism and this notion for sure doesn't allow unpredictably behaviour. ¿ for good or bad? don't know. All machines we construct and buy are, hopefully, trivial machines. A toaster should toast, a washing machine wash, a motorcar should predictably respond to its driver's operations. In fact, all our efforts go into one direction, to create trivial machines or, if we encounter non-trivial machines, to convert them into trivial machines. The discovery of agriculture is the discovery that some aspects of Nature can be trivialized: If I till today, I shall have bread tomorrow. (hvf, perception of the future and the future of perception)on castrating our power over language instead of using language as a tool with which to express thoughts and experience, we accept language as a tool that determines our thoughts and experience. (hvf) ... Comment |
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