dissabte, 15. de novembre 2003

being trivialized by technology

talked with paul pangaro. first time i got a business card with the line "voice of the developer" on it. he plays this role by sun.

Sun's Voice to the Developer initiative is the commitment to help move developers along the power curve from coders to architects; from responders to initiators; from business implementors to business creators.(coding for currency)

his life, he says, changed when gordon pask walked into the classroom at mit. for sure he likes efficiency. also he wants to see results and not just endless academic talks. the engineer side of him is still alive.
he gave me a paper that i was reading already completely wasted on my way home. i was the whole day in rooms this day, so when i came to this yellow page ...

sun is a living system of conversations.
aha. i didn't wonder anymore. reading on ...
sun needs to change
wow, now he is going pretty far.
for sun to evolve effectively, it must understand the ways its costumers, developers, and competitors are evolving.

there was no way out anymore. i woke up, realizing that i was reading: notes on the role of leadership and language in regenerating organizations", based on conversations with michael geoghegan.

today at the end of his talk that based on a talk he gave 2002 on "ecological understanding II: design and conversation". he tributed two questions to von foerster as a - hm, how to call it - ¿in memoria birthday present (13.11)? one i can recall was: ¿can we create a machine, that doesn"t put us into a trivial machine?

have to look into things like autotopic: to merge someones own experience, pask's cybernetic machine musicolour and the soft architecture machine.

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