divendres, 7. de novembre 2003

green dots temporarily reunited

from Nov 10 to 14, the temporarily re-united mnemosyne gruppe kunst will take up a thread of their collaborative work, begun some eleven years ago: Their collections of DER GRUENE PUNKT (the green dot) will be exposed, documented and sorted publicly at the gallery of the Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht.

There are far more than sentimental reasons for this event - the mnemosyne gruppe kunst since a while prepares to make their earlier theoretical and historical approaches on the subject of the commodification of packages and trash into a book, based on a number of articles published in the German magazine Glas'z in 1994-95, the essay on the "History of the Bag" written and published in 2002, and a number of lectures, one of which - in German only - can be found here.

As the collection has had some losses over the past years (a large bag with with presumabely irreplaceable samples from the late 1990s for instance vanished from the depot in hamburg), and as completeness is - though ever unachievable - the goal of any collection and all collectors, the menmosyne gruppe kunst welcomes to receive whatever GRUENE PUNKTE you find and found in the course of your daily consumption. Come along and bring them to the Jan van Eyck Academy, or (in case you are geographically hindered to do so) send them to ...

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