dimarts, 14. d’octubre 2003

risk digest

Computer Science does not contain or deal with the principles operative in the writing and debugging of large, nay, HUGE, eclectic, software programs. This is the realm of Software Engineering. By a similar token there is no principle of the theory of random processes that says that the works of Shakespeare cannot be written by 1,000,000 monkeys pounding 1,000,000 typewriters either, in fact in principle that would be one way of reproducing these works. No serious student of Shakespeare who knew something about random processes would propose such an undertaking, of course. A mathematician who knew nothing about typewriters and little about Shakespeare, however, might if Ronald Reagan pursuaded him that the problem should be worked by assigning 1,000,000,000,000 monkeys to 1,000,000,000,000 typewriters. In software engineering as well as mechanical engineering there is the concept of feasibility to be considered.(john mccarthy on sdi, 12 sep 85)

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