motz |
dijous, 30. d’agost 2001
comprising a teleonomy motzes, 30.08.2001 17:00h
"Machine-code-capital recycles itself through its axiomatic of consumer control, laundering-out the shit- and blood-stains of primitive accumulation. Each part of the system encourages maximal sumptuous expenditure, whilst the system as a whole requires its inhibition. Schizophrenia. Dissociated consumers destine themselves as worker-bodies to cost control." (swarm1 ) work out of former sadie plant´s research lab. ... Comment
StefanL, 2/9/01 12:52
Now finally I had time
to read this and please allow my association chain processoress just to spit a bit. These cybernetic culture research kinda read too much Deleuze-Guattari poetry. That poetry is funny in a way and fixes a rather large part your thinking and feeling of your nicely far away from yourself, just as it should. So like reading Kafka or Joyce it makes you bathe in imagery of rebellion against alien dominance without ever leaving or even having to perceive the structural conditions of that dominance. Necessary but littly helpful. Will have to work on useful examples .. ... Link ... Comment |
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