motz |
dimecres, 16. de gener 2002
be a programmer motzes, 16.01.2002 20:38h
go back to kindergarten laurie williams und robert kessler: "all i really need to know about pair <* programming *> i learned in kindergarten Share everything, Play fair, Don't hit your Partner, Put things back where they belong, Clean up your mess, Don't take things too seriously, Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody while moving furniture, Wash your hands of skepticism before you start, Flush!, Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you, Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some .... in the end it is getting esotheric, but somehow it is not soo bad. who needs more? mira aqui keeping it simple, another advicer coming from parc. john seely brown is also talking about storytelling, a principle of collaborative software engineering. ... Comment
StefanL, 18/1/02 18:02
I nearly
fully agree on a large part of the content if not on the form of the main quote here. ... Link
motzes, 20/1/02 15:26
the main
quote is just a list of titels. out of a poem actually - at least americans see it that way. flush? ... link ... Comment |
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