dissabte, 5. de juliol 2003

ultra lightweight

Receipt of a TS Packet with a non-zero PUSI value indicates that the TS Packet contains the start of a new SNDU. It also indicates the presence of the Payload Pointer. The Payload Pointer value indicates that there are payload ((Payload Pointer) €1) bytes of the SNDU currently being reassembled at the start of the TS Packet payload. A Payload Pointer value equal to 0 or greater than 183 is illegal in ULE, and the SNDU reassembly MUST be aborted. This event may generate an error message.
out of a ietf draft on "ultra lightweight encapsulation (ule) for transmission of ip datagrams over mpeg-2/dvb networks"

well, it creates an error message in my brain, for sure. PUSI stands for:

Payload_Unit_Start_Indicator of MPEG-2 [ISO-MPEG]. A PUSI value of zero indicates that the TS Packet does not carry the start of a new payload. In this document, a PUSI value of one indicates that the TS Packet does carry the start of a new payload. When the PUSI bit is set to 1, in ULE this also indicates the presence of a one byte pointer directly following the TS packet header.

will take me a while to figure out the consequences and meaning of all of this. but that's how future/history sounds, they say ...

just out of curiousity, i guess i will join the talk on Trunk MIBs, imagening that they are talking about a drunk men in black ...

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