dimarts, 1. de juliol 2003

something is happening out there

a link, an article reminds of snipsnap "a free and easy to install weblog and wiki software written in java.

Q: Does SnipSnap support WikiLinking? A: No, despite the Wiki-esque name Snipsnap, we do not support WikiLinking. ... you have to decide first to write (unreadable) MobLogs instead of Moblogs or MoBlogs or Mo Blogs. Then you could also decide to write [MoBlogs] and then the same arguments apply here - old content will be linked to it automatically. Even if you write [Moblogs] or [MobLogs] (which both could not be found with WikiLinking MoBlogs. Bottom line: we will not add WikiLinking ... (faq)

wondering what happened to conclave in the meantime.

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Bottom Line

Bottom Line, we do not like WikiLinking although in the mean time we put WikiLinking in our render library (radeox) which is used by SnipSnap


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i like the idea of guy murphy to rethink weblogs and wikis (and in his case topic maps, too) and try to find the beef of it. i am just wondering if you followed the same line with snipsnap? took the freedom to leave things out because you don't find it useful/practical/ ... would be interested to hear what and why.

... link

Well we're always rethinkin what we do. Often you end up taken things for granted which are not.

Having a product makes it difficult though to tell people: We won't support this. In the case with WikiLinking we lost some users and there were some hot discussions but we didn't give in.

I think topic maps are overated. We have to support them in SnipSnap (and RDF/DAML too) because we're paid for that, but bottom line I would like to leave more out of SnipSnap. Right now we refactor the system to a micro kernel so people can add, change and remove what they like and we can remove stuff from the main distribution which should shrink in my view.

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