dimecres, 28. de maig 2003

grid computing

a friend was asking me what i think about grid computing: on-demand access to global computer resources.

tech review had an article on it. i just can read the first paragraphes but they have a right question at the beginning:

Is Internet history about to repeat itself?

nothing to add. they still have to solve a lot of problems though, if they really want to make data federation and integration possible on a broad costumer basis. (necessity of open standards, end of proprietary software to let data flow over clusters of servers, to build up "silos of applications" ...), the tech review picked out one of the giant projects:

The National Science Foundation will begin to install the hardware for the TeraGrid, a transcontinental supercomputer that should do for computing power what the Internet did for documents. First, clusters of high-end microcomputers will be set up at four sites: the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory outside Chicago; Caltech in Pasadena, CA; and the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego.

as far as i know they use this computer power to simulate the surfaces of stars by "gentrifying a big pile of fortran code", as brian says.

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p2p and grid computing

Technology Review, as usual, tend to supercomputers and big buck projects with military behind. Nevertheless, I believe that part of the future of the Grid computer thing lies in P2P systems. I mean why building big Supercomputers when you can combine the powers of thousand of PCs working togehter, as we have seen in the SETI project and before with all these distributed projects to crack DES and other crypto tools.

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you don´t like money?

:)) one doesn´t exclude the other, i would say. com' on mapping the stars is a big, very, very - very important project ... i mean at least brian got a job. there isn´t so much money for academics out there since they got mad over there. alos you can find some edu projects with kids, with idealism and all this "being nice to each other" behaviour. so sí. eso es tambien p2p as it is with supercomputers.

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Talking about money... ;-D

The EU guys have also heard about grid computing and is one key priority in the 6th frame program. Here some info about one of these "awareness" day. Will they put money in p2p projects too?

Information Society DG organises GRID info day

The Information Society DG is organising an information day on
'GRID based systems for complex problem solving', to take place on
20 June in Brussels.

'GRID based systems for complex problem solving' is one of the
strategic objectives of the Sixth Framework Programme's (FP6)
information society technologies (IST) programme.

In preparation for the forthcoming second call in this area, the
event will bring together industrial, academic and institutional
actors active in the area of GRID based systems and interested in
participating in a GRID related proposal.

The following key areas will be presented at the event:
- IST GRID related activities under FP5 and FP6;
- new instruments in FP6;
- scope and content of the second call;
- new procedures for submission and evaluation of proposals.

Participants will also have the opportunity to exchange their
proposal ideas during a dedicated forum.

Data Source Provider : The European Commission
Document Reference : Based on an event announcement
Subject Index Codes : Information Processing, Information Systems, Innovation, Technology Transfer
Contact Person : For further information, please consult the following web address:

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oh pobre

don't tell me you have to go there? i am back in town around this date. would be a pity

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