motz |
dimecres, 14. de maig 2003
igc2003 II motzes, 14.05.2003 19:28h
john battelle, the guy who has organized this conference were nobody who attented was allowed to quote anyone, is writing on a book on google. somehow i wonder, if they reduced their prices by making it a promotion tour and therefore got invited by the various companies as their speakers. he didn't say anything new, simply repeated what he said already elsewhere, just added something to his bio by mentioning that he started to report on computers in the mid 80s, mainly about apple; some more numbers that out of my perspective were wrong: it's easy to say there is more profit, when you don't take in account the growing numbers of users. haven't seen that he did that. "everyone his own wavelenght". first reminded me on the 90s and the "access for all" movement. but i like optics, so i was interested. private owned fibre networks, that's where the canadien are heading to. it seems with the new lasers who can reach now a distance of 300 km, they can solve the maintenance problem far cheaper. of course cisco is one and the most interested financier, waiting in the backjard. the projects are at least interesting and bill st. arnaud a nice and enthusiastic guy who safed my day. he also is the one and only so far that i listened to that didn't promote an upcoming book. ca4net is worth a look. ... Comment |
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