motz |
dilluns, 28. d’abril 2003
going further motzes, 28.04.2003 13:25h
j. coplien: ... If I ask the analogous question for software, whether it really does live in some multi-dimensional world in the same sense that buildings do, they'll probably take away my license to do real work and suggest I go write poetry or something.' i think that's the point when richard gabriel comes in. instead of bell he works at sun. interesting stuff is hidden under Onward!2002 'The Onward! Track contains technical and philosophical papers describing new paradigms or metaphors in computing, new thinking about objects, new framings of computational problems or systems, and new technologies.'jeffrey o. kephart from ibm talked about 'autonomic computing' and 'biologically inspired software' and questions like the following have been raised: How will programming quickly/slowly, in the large/in the small, with closed/open models and with highly structured/unstructured, organic approaches play out? when i have more time i will try to find out how this was answered. daniel dvorak talked about 'problematic encapsulation in high-risk systems' but what the hack is 'lean thinking'?? ... Comment |
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