dijous, 20. de febrer 2003

simply straying

i like this kind of roaming around, especially when i can find out about something like pepys

'Pepys is a powerful hypertext enabled notebook designed for individuals and small workgroups. It works in a similar way to a WikiWikiWeb. However, unlike a WikiWikiWeb, Pepys does not require a web server or any kind of administrative access. Simply download and run the installer and start using Pepys to organise your thoughts and keep notes.'
pepys can also be called a 'desktop wiki', as ian davis writes in his "about". he is working on ... well, in the the rss-dev working group and creator of myrss. and from there right back to guy murphy. no wonder that these guys have worked together some days back at calaba, as ian davis mentions at his site.

but i am also looking forward to parss, ¡hombre p3k!

'it has an xml-rpc interface that can handle rss pings, addition of and certainly request for feeds. it respects etags and its goal is to minimize the fetching-rss-by-time-based-guessing method.

furthermore, there is an antville module that connects this wonderful publishing software with a parss server and provides user-defined as well as merged feeds. uh, and kharma voting. and direct-post™ technology, heheh'

i am just imagening the face when he says heheh

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