dijous, 19. de desembre 2002


i have an article on my desk about this microsoft language called c#. i even don't now how to speak it out loud: ¿[c rhombus]? sounds stupid, ¿[csharp]?, porqué. anyhow in this report they raised the question when and how .net is supporting mobile code and how "the mechanism provided compare with those available in java."

they are saying, i really like that line:

"c# is an object-oriented language and can be regarded as a high-level version of the misl, in that all the features of c# are natively supported by the crl.

on the surface c# is quite similar to java. however it provides some distinctive features ... the notion of delegate, the support of application events as a first class language construct, and the notion of attribute. ... difference between .net and java: ".net assemblies define a rather coarse-grained unit, if compared with java classes. while it is possible to define assemblies containing only one type, it would be cumbersome to do so, since it is the programmer's responsibility to keep track of relationships among assemblies."

code loading: "java supports proactive code loading, while .net supports only reactive code loading, and in a fashion that always privileges the default loading strategy". you are only allowed to modify the loading behavior when the predefined fails.

.net offers less freedom and flexibility than java, but also less complexity when dealing with mobile code: in java programming with class loaders is often difficult and error prone.

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Re: c#

pronounced "cee sharp", afaik. one tone of voice fits it all.

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Re: Re: c#

pero porque #=sharp???

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Re: Re: c#

do-re-mi-fa-so-la-si-do (b is flat and # is sharp).

heheh: solmization.

uh, here's the background. but is it now "si" or "ti"? music history revisited...

a last one.

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Re: Re: c#

still confused. so i should call it cis? or zi? do they have to play "blockflöte" in richmond lately?

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Re: Re: c#

cis might be the way around here. but few might know, so word up! i heard they sing gregorian chants at redmond, anyway...

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Re: Re: c#

*g* i see, must be something antes de barock, still talking about "quarto diabolo" and haven't reached fuga yet. i once had a talk with a guy from overthere, who plays the violin, working in the game department. that for sure was something.

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