motz |
dijous, 19. de desembre 2002
c# motzes, 19.12.2002 15:01h
i have an article on my desk about this microsoft language called c#. i even don't now how to speak it out loud: ¿[c rhombus]? sounds stupid, ¿[csharp]?, porqué. anyhow in this report they raised the question when and how .net is supporting mobile code and how "the mechanism provided compare with those available in java." they are saying, i really like that line: "c# is an object-oriented language and can be regarded as a high-level version of the misl, in that all the features of c# are natively supported by the crl. ... Comment
tobi, 19/12/02 15:44
Re: c#
pronounced "cee sharp", afaik. one tone of voice fits it all. ... Link
tobi, 19/12/02 16:03
Re: Re: c#
do-re-mi-fa-so-la-si-do (b is flat and # is sharp). heheh: solmization. uh, here's the background. but is it now "si" or "ti"? music history revisited... ... link
motzes, 19/12/02 16:24
Re: Re: c#
still confused. so i should call it cis? or zi? do they have to play "blockflöte" in richmond lately? ... link
tobi, 19/12/02 17:41
Re: Re: c#
cis might be the way around here. but few might know, so word up! i heard they sing gregorian chants at redmond, anyway... ... link
motzes, 20/12/02 3:54
Re: Re: c#
*g* i see, must be something antes de barock, still talking about "quarto diabolo" and haven't reached fuga yet. i once had a talk with a guy from overthere, who plays the violin, working in the game department. that for sure was something. ... link ... Comment |
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