motz |
diumenge, 29. de maig 2011
old arguments for and against IPR motzes, 29.05.2011 12:16h
e8g. | at patrik's economy driven by scarcity or attention. so many has been said about this since the roll out of telegraphy, and yet the arguments stay the same. or even worse, became blank metaphors. recalling a line from the book "america calling" about the time when not products but costumers were seen as scarcity: the latter wouldn't pay attention to a telegraphy line to the usa, as they didn't have anyone there to call. lets talk about the effect of policy and regulations that have come into place since 1994, or so. still worth to read: economics of criminal enforcement of copyright | robert picard, tobias dahlström, edward humphreys, 2007 ... Comment
StefanL, 1/6/11 17:08
Well I guess
the problem is, if you accept property as an abstracted value, as our society largely does, then it is very difficult to exclude any one thing from it. historically not even other humans were exempt and they are the easiest to exclude. ... Link
motzes, 2/6/11 13:52
so you suggest while programmers still have difficulties with abstraction, the market has shown for a long time how it is done? "abstraction is about ignorance" (richard gabriel) this "(social) media" model: every user is worth x$ and works for free but for me, will it finally be cleared up¿? one could argue: users behave different in this respect, maybe they are not stupid to give away for free, but far more advanced as the market/policies in place allow. would it make a difference? not that optimistic as too many things in this play appear to be broken. yet, one could begin to turn marketeer's argumentation around: it's not the users who have to learn, it's next generation industry, ... (add your favorite player) ... link ... Comment |
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