dilluns, 5. de novembre 2001

tell what?

journalist briefing how to report the war. facs net: "covering global war against terrorism". maybe they made a mistake, don´t they call it "campaign"? i think i heard this all the time in the pentagon briefing.

under the header: "writing on the religious angle: budget lines and sources" there is following quote: how religious beliefs of U.S. leaders come into play

... 2. The religious beliefs of President Bush were something of an issue in the presidential campaign. Attorney General John Ashcroft’s beliefs certainly were during his Senate confirmation hearings. What are the religious beliefs of the president's key advisers during this crisis, particularly as they relate to the end times (which many fundamentalist and evangelical Christians believe is imminent)? How does the current crisis fit into that theological view of the Second Coming, or does it? Is there a danger that any U.S. military response will be characterized as a holy war, pitting good against evil?

on the search for ashcroft and his believe i was astonished to see this: "your guide to the new administration in washington.

and what "facs net" mean with "computer assisted reporting" is fatal: specialized no privacy, no datasecurity, nada.

"The database includes three files: a master list of the organizations and individuals; a list of addresses (because a terrorist may have several addresses); and a list of aliases.

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