divendres, 20. de novembre 2009

"Emasculated Multics is Unics"

unix oral history site

... Ken [Thompson] had worked on the MIT MULTICS (MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service) system. In fact, the original name of UNIX was UNICS, a joke made by Brian Kernighan standing for the UNIplexed Information and Computing Service, since the PDP-7 version could support only one user--Ken. After too many bad puns about EUNUCHS being a castrated MULTICS, the name was changed to UNIX. But even MULTICS wasn't first. Before it was the above-mentioned CTSS, designed by the same team at MIT. | andrew s. tanenbaum

unix philosophy, mike gancarz, 1995

the line "emasculated multics is unics" comes from: there can be only one | based on peter salus book about unix

dennis ritchie, an early retrospect, 1978

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*sigh* still have to produce the transcript.

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he meant you will show up¿? just came back ...

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couldn't make it. my biosystems are down for maintenance.

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allow relaxation!

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