dijous, 31. d’octubre 2002

quackmire my wire

The June 2002 formation of the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA could be the most important political and organizational development of 2002 for future mobile devices - or it could be a quagmire for the wireless industry." say the people from the shosteck group. in there point of view the winners and the loosers will be: "... Nokia reportedly spends 60% of its $2.7 billion research and development budget on software development. That is $1.62 billion per year, a level of commitment few competitors can make. As such, the development of OMA benefits Nokia, Microsoft, and Qualcomm the most. Although Sony-Ericsson has developed a platform for its upcoming P800 smart phone, it is under threat of losing funding from Ericsson. This would cripple its efforts to broaden and license a market-competitive platform. Motorola's strategy for smart phone software development has been marred by false starts and cutbacks. Others who were already challenged, such as Openwave, will only find their positions worsened. Samsung may benefit significantly by its leveraging of other companies' technologies.

let's see.

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