diumenge, 15. de febrer 2009

how to be called a service

social networks, cloud computing, multimedia services or search - igual - one has to keep in mind its all about infrastructure. the important questions, according to francois bourdoncle, exalead, for this services are: can i scale? what does the solution cost me? cost of revenue?

bourdoncle further argues that cost of revenues is google's largest asset, together with its brand | ict, 26. november 2008, lyon.

facebook • 13,000 machines in their datacenter • 50,000 machines next year • $1M/month for electricity • $500k/month for network bandwidth • 2TB/day of data (mostly photos) • Add one huge storage system every week • $80M/year for their staff (800) • Burning cash quickly ($516M raised to date) | data according to bourdoncle

twitter is/was known for being down, so no wonder they are in need of money

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Twitter is text only, so they might have more time. I still have to understand their business model, though (apart from the usual "Let's hype a cool service and let's get bought by some megacorp", of course).

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once upon a time google was text only, yet their need for servers grew from 2001 onward. they opened their first data center and decided that they better use casings and not cork for isolating their motherboards when? 2003? have to wait for the acm video coverage of wsdm |speak wisdom - note to myself| to verify these numbers ...

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afaik the twitter folks would be glad to know their business model, too! and is google not still text-only? (or isn't google's logo still some pretty large image?)

anyway, some say twitter is real-time search faster than the speed of light (ie. google), others it's the "great facilitator of e-narcissism", the very tool of ego-culture – which is not despicable at all since imho this is exactly what's driving popular culture and probably even human nature. (well, one could despise that of course.)

so even gaining more speed in a hopefully death proof vehicle.

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With nobody but Google having a business model on the Net, it would be high time to re-establish an Elite Net with Xanadu style integrated billing service. Let the future CompuServe you!

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Good business models are pretty scarce nowadays, even outside the net, aren't they?

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- isn't twitter using erlang?
- google is more than search, more than text only, that was my thought to that line.
- google not just has developed has the only functional business model on the web in use, google also owns it, bourdoncle once said, and i somehow agree.

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