dimecres, 17. de desembre 2008

(re)search addicted

when we seek, finding something isn't that important. our "seeking system", as jaak panksepp calls it, doesn't seek for reward per se.

Its prototype is foraging behaviour, the search for resources – food, shelter, a mate etc. Its chemistry is characterised by dopamine, a neurotransmitter described as the ‘power switch’ because it turns on, energising and invigorating the individual in relation to their environment. Dopamine is similar in chemistry to cocaine, and it has the same effect on the individual – creating states of high arousal and focus. In animals it is quickly spotted: sniffing and persistent forward locomotion are indicators of the SEEKING system in action. | panic, seeking and playing

jaak panksepp, interesting yet controversial research and books, ie affective neuroscience

the seeking system is sensitized by (1) regulatory imbalances to yield general arousal and persistent forward locomotion (terry winograd once also talked about locomotion) and (2) external stimuli that can be either have strong or weak interactions with this emotional system and (3) it helps mediate appetitive learning so that the animals will become eager and exhibit expectancies in response to cues that have been previously associated with arousal and disarousal of the system. | p 146

we don't know what we are seeking for or: if rats go shopping:
suchen (audio/mpeg, 267 KB) , karl grammer

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