dimecres, 23. d’octubre 2002

i am not really into this

gaming conf ist zu ende. ken fowles from microsoft was there presenting their new phone and pda. they outlined for orange how it has to look like: well it looks like a nokia when it comes to the touchscreens, the display is bigger and clearly do read - (come on look somewhere else for the exact figures) claro, for the master they used the best materials to make it feel nicely to play around. about navigation: vale it's nokiasimple, but i still managed it to be everywhere but not on the games: golf, tennis, drain, and some other were on there. explorer on it. that much to bundeling.

they are experimenting with the display. he said he saw some prototypes, where you could sharply read a korean newspaper on that small screen. normally you have 72 dpi they are coming now up to 300dpi but that won't see this on a mobile device in the next years. so who knows? i don?t.

well, ah ja, microsoft will never be in the hardware business. i guess he forgot xbox here. reliability? the application provider has to be judged on that.

voice xml 2.0 should be released that year said steve wiener. former game department of comverse. since august they closed their game division and since then he tries to create his own business as an advicer - that much to the booming industry or should i say dreamy killer app. yah, telefonica was still using that term. voice based mobil games? maybe, but still to talk back is a hassle. my o my old dreams never come true. folwes: microsoft has a researchgroup investigating in that area, but it needs time.

when it comes to gaming it's mostly used for ad-games or trivial games.

still they are talking about sms games, and they can't wait for the big money, they see coming - not a surprise, i mean they need some hope - at christmas: with the java handsets. don't tell them that people maybe are not willing to pay for the stuff, by dialing up operators plataforma, instead getting their downloads over the net - but that will be next years issue ...

before i forget: they are so eager to get money that they are talking about holding copyrights over ringtones. 2 seconds .. wait, costs you xx centimos??? another world, missed the fun - nearly, got a stick neck, fall into bed ...

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Re: i am not really into this

Sometimes your stories have so much información that after reading my brain is full of confución. i think i gotta reread c. shannon on teoría de información.
Guess my brain is too full of shit anyway. time to go to the depths of asia really soooooon now.

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Re: Re: i am not really into this

how do you think my brain feels :)

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