motz |
divendres, 27. de juny 2008
"real estate of internet" motzes, 27.06.2008 09:23h
Frequently asked questions on the process 1. Are you selling these new names? ICANN is not "selling" new top level domain names. There will be a limited application period where any established entity from anywhere in the world can submit an application that will go through an evaluation process. It is anticipated that there will be additional rounds relatively soon after the close of the first application round. also fuzo what i don't get, why don't people use the left side for their variations but insist on the .right? at least one argues in that direction on an old icann blog entry, august 2007. ... Comment
micro_robert, 28/6/08 13:40
Meine Ansicht, stark verkürzt: ... Link
motzes, 28/6/08 15:43
nicht uninteressant: ie: wer bestimmt schreibweise? |circleID, wieviele sprachvarianten werden für eine site registriert werden?? (die frage stellt sich ja auch bei IDN, wenn jetzt noch gTLD dazu nimmst, explodiert das ganze dann? ist IDN und gTLD part of the same problem? discussion 2007: "Vint says we'll be talking about that this week -- new gTLDs and IDN TLDs are the same. We should treat them all as new TLDs. "So the ensemble of TLDs expressed using internationalized characters needs to be treated as a whole.. this coalesces into a common expression." (This is a point of view with which I agree.) Vint goes on -- "I'm not sure that "translations" are a practice that we should endorse - I'd rather see proposals for new TLDs that are specific and unique." I agree. | susan crawford ... link
micro_robert, 28/6/08 19:07
Ich muss gestehen, dass ich diesen Rundumschlag, dass plötzlich jeder Depp seine eigene TLD registrieren können soll, nicht habe kommen sehen, obwohl ich mich durchaus ab und an mit der ICANN beschäftige. Die müssen ganz schön viel Druck von Seiten der virtuellen Immobilienmakler bekommen haben. Schäbiges Geschäft, wie in der Realität. ... link ... Comment |
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