dimecres, 16. d’octubre 2002

just label it

to find the right name is maybe difficult. the discussion about the term "information architect" is just one example for that.

i get a problem when i hear: "father of ..." or someone uses the line: "i coined the term". like richard wurman in his book anxiety2. just one reason more to go back to history. and looking through old papers it is not difficult to find something like: "in the 70s PARC had one unifying vision: it would develop the architecture of information". this paper also doesn't avoid the game of first first first, but i guess the date makes the difference ... and the flavor of being at the right time at the right place.

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this architecture of information (AOI) project

was not more and not less as the ten year younger and a little latecoming baby sister of am much bigger and even more ambitious brother, the general problem solver. from these siblings surprisingly came good stuff, mostly:
"- The Macintosh computer
- Colorful weather maps on TV screens
- Laser printers with controlled ozone output
- Structured VLSI design
- Networks that link personal computers
- Semiconductor lasers that read and write optical disks"

and bad stuff like
" - Structured programming languages (Modula-2, Ada, C)
- Aeroplanes that spare a general any thought about 'risking a good pilots life'
we have nice labels over and over and i definitely did not coin any of them, but the label "web" is among my favorites, definitely , so for me it is "i work with the web" although my business card says "Leiter".
In the meantime information is a somewhat strange term in itself and requires more discussion than architect or designer.
How should a team presend itself? Difficult.
"Makers of fine software since 1670" is my arrogant and self concious working phrase for the time being.

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Re: 1670

¿Commodore Model 1670? or 1670, "balambangan in easternmost java becomes independent".inc

haven't seen leiter on a business card for a long time. mostly you meet less profan people. there are more evangelists or popes around. anyhow "leiter" must be strange to non-native speakers: leiter to heaven or what?

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