motz |
dilluns, 7. d’octubre 2002
"so maybe you could pass that request along" motzes, 07.10.2002 00:34h
interview with jaron lanier - coiner of the term "virtual reality. lately he things about thenotropics: it seems he want's to get rid of protocols to transmit information and calls for "a post-potocol formulation of computer science". ... Comment
StefanL, 7/10/02 2:10
Dieser Junge
sieht sehr nett aus, aber denken konnte er noch nie und er kann's auch heute noch nicht. Wie kann so einer als lead scientist gelten. Das Beispiel mit dem Bild ist selten doof. Aber das ist beim Bluffen vielleicht eh genau das Richtige. ... Link
motzes, 7/10/02 14:44
Re: Dieser Junge
i don't know if he looks cute. ¡me cago en la hostia! was my first reaction reading his interview and going to his homepage. i have never heard him speaking/performing, but what i am reading doens't make it better. for me he falls into the class "curiousity collection". his booktitle: "The Next Fifty Years: Science in blabla, made me angry. i just can't feel respect for "futurists", i guess. on those guys webpages you can't find a better introduction than: "Special note: If you are interested in hiring me ..." that line doesn't tell me everything but a lot. ... link ... Comment |
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