motz |
dimarts, 1. d’octubre 2002
tape of a hammurabi motzes, 01.10.2002 14:38h
are they real: a visit by the major microcomputer system companies in september 1975. first stop, denver, at the digital group: " i know they are real because i recently sent them a check for their video display generator and received one a few days later ..." book review computer lib/dream machines. "cybercrud": ted nelson´s term for the practice of putting things over on people using computers (especially, forcing them to adapt to a rigid, inflexible, poorly thought out system) ..." the impossible dream: "the art of home brew computing ..." homebrew computer club newsletter: "why did the big companies miss this market? they were busy selling overpriced machines to each other (and the government and military). they don´t want to sell directly to the public." ( june 7, 1975) a computer museum worth a stop and some sundays. ... Comment |
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