motz |
divendres, 5. de gener 2007
design and numbers motzes, 05.01.2007 11:49h
... I also noticed a few interesting details in the numbers. A lot more people look at the second page of Digg (10.9% of referrers) than the second page of Reddit (5.3%). This is probably due to the different methods the two sites use for organizing the frontpage. On Digg, stories start at the top and get pushed down in chronological order, so there could be really good stuff on the second page. Whereas at Reddit the stories are ranked in order of how many people voted for them recently, so the best stuff is near the top of the front page, and anything on the second page is either boring or old. | pgraham, the seductive danger of alexa numbers btw if someone wants to build something that produces reliable traffic numbers, he should give him a call/note or so. ... Comment |
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