motz |
diumenge, 20. de novembre 2005
borrowed intelligence motzes, 20.11.2005 18:18h
AofUS are loosing their foreigners. since 2001 a lot have actually been written about that. 2003, david heenan says, america imported the first time more hightech than it produced. "flight capital" is his book and there is an interview. need the ghost of sputnik, that let to more homegrown research and interest in science and technology, heenan, somehow says - not a real quote. but well ya, at that time they didn't answer fear just by humbling religious tunes, but by putting a lot of money into research projects. i remember a talk with some foreign students over there who said they already got into trouble by asking "how are you doing? or hey, you look great today" as it was interpreted as sexual harassment by colleagues. who wants to leave that if you are from spain, greece or india? they all went back home, mostly earlier than planed. 200 to 1,000 people leave the united states every day to go back to their home countries. eight of the 11 americans who won nobel prizes in physics and chemistry in the last three years were born in other countries, and almost 40 percent of mit graduate students are from overseas. ... Comment |
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