motz |
dilluns, 5. de setembre 2005
don't comply with the rules motzes, 05.09.2005 12:03h
i am out of this presentation business for a while, but it strikes me that they are still teaching the same movements. merkel used two hands (which looks stupid, if they are synchronised), fingers straight, action up to down, move whole mass to confront stoiber. looked like a robot. the real classic on both sides: press two fingers together, hand moving. no individual gesture; maybe in between one or the other was more relaxed and you didn't see exerted thinking on their face how to control their bodies. but that was rare in my opinion. there was this certain freezing moment you could watch, everytime they got a new question. on the other side i watched some colleagues and their movement and behaviour when they try to put emphasis on their lines during a life presentation: high concentration too, but their bodies aren't stick, the hands are moving besides their bodies, their faces are not masks, their eyes are not dead and their hands aren't closed. well, no camera involved, just a microphone. maybe those trainers should start to watch that, before televised presentations are getting too boring. the worst scene: final statement: both froozen, no movement at all, introvert eyes, missing emphasis, reminded me of schoolkids that drone words in front of a classroom, that don't have any meaning to them; just looking forward to sit down again. not even begging for an a anymore, just for salvation. sorry trainers, you did a poor job. ... Comment
dito, 5/9/05 14:39
Exceptional Individuals
... Link
motzes, 5/9/05 17:02
they didn't call it n$# back than; the boring outcome of this kind of product design is: more of the same. ... link ... Comment |
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